RowFit™ combines the low-impact and endurance benefits of exercises such as swimming with the strength and resistance benefits of weight training all in one 60-minute workout. Using Concept2 RowErgs combined with a variety of bodyweight, isometric, and weight circuits, these sessions will meet you where you are in your fitness journey. Whether you are ready to push yourself to your limits, or need to ease in more slowly, the variety of steady fat burning workouts and higher intensity strength focused workouts will give you a lot to look forward to in each 6-week session. Cary Park District punch cards and Unlimited Fitness Passes cannot be used for this class. Please contact Courtney Fejedlelem, 847-639-6100 x 118 or to discuss punch card options through Sweeps & Sculls Indoor Rowing.
This class is held Wednesdays, May 14 - June 18
Time: 6:00 am - 7:00 am
R/NR Fee: $75/$112
Age/Grade: Adults
To Register
Register online or
Download a registration form and return it with payment to the Community Center