The 64.30 acres were acquired in 1990 using a grant from The Nature Conservancy, a generous donation from the Sands family and additional state funds, so the Park District acquired the property without using local tax dollars. A state designated Nature Preserve, Sands Main Street features a high quality Dry Gravel Hill Prairie, recognized by some ecologists as one of the most pristine prairies in McHenry County. Once the site of the old Wallace-Price Farm, the land is home to an old dairy barn built around 1900 and has foundation remnants from a post-Civil War barn and blacksmith building. The Park District is working to preserve the prairie. Our goal is to maintain its pre-settlement condition so that the view will remain the same for future generations and will date back to the time of the Native Americans who first saw it.
E Main St, east of Decker Drive
Cary, IL 60013