Park Regulations
The parks and open spaces are for everyone to enjoy. Please help us keep these areas clean and free of debris by following the Park District’s regulations for park use. When we take time out to clean up after illegally dumped materials it keeps us from doing the important work that helps make our parks the best in the northwest suburbs.
Park Rules and Regulations Ordinance O-2019-20-10
Park Hours
All parks are open from 5:00 a.m. and close at dusk, except for outdoor lighted athletic fields or under special use permits. The Park District may close District property or any parts of the property to the public at any time temporarily or for regular intervals for certain uses.
Alcoholic Beverages
No alcoholic beverages shall be sold, possessed, given away, delivered or consumed on District property, except pursuant to a permit or as part of a District special event.
All pets on District property are required to be on a leash and under control. Pets are allowed to be unleased in the off leash dog park in Hoffman Park. Any unleashed dog or cat found on District property may be removed to an animal shelter, public pound or impounded at the expense of the animal’s owner. No pets are allowed in Sands Main Street Prairie.
Pet owners should refrain from bringing their animals on non‐turf area such as baseball infields, volleyball courts, basketball courts, tennis courts, children’s play areas, playground, washroom facilities, and drinking fountains.
For the safety and cleanliness of the parks all pet owners should immediately clean up after their pets. Service dogs are allowed to escort their owners to all parts of the District’s parks and facilities.
Lost & Found
Items found by Park Staff or patrons in parks and facilities will be turned in to the lost and found. Items lost at the Community Center or Community Pool will be kept at the Community Center. Items lost at Lions Park will be kept at the Lions Park Concession Stand. Items will be held for one month. After a month clothing and other useful materials will be donated to charities.
Vandalism, Dumping, and Encroaching
The Cary Park District encourages residents to take interest in their parks to make parks better and safer places to play by reducing unwelcome acts. Acts of vandalism, dumping, encroaching, and suspicious activities in the parks create an unhealthy environment. Vandalism and dumping uses park district resources that could otherwise be used to expand and enhance the park system. Plus it creates a poor image throughout the community and can often make parks or their amenities unusable to patrons. If you see these unwanted acts, please contact the Cary Park District or the Cary Police Department. With your help we can avoid the costly disturbances to our play spaces.
Natural Area Workdays
Natural area workdays are great opportunities for adults and adult‐lead youth groups to assist the Cary Park District Parks & Facilities Department in preserving and restoring natural areas. Participants may collect seeds, plant native species of flora or remove brush and debris. Volunteers meet at a site by 8:00 am and work until 2:30 pm. Contact us at 847.639.6100 for more information or to schedule a work day.
Green Initiatives
Reducing Emissions
- All District vehicles meet and/or exceed EPA Clean Fuel Fleet Emissions Standards output.
- There are seven trucks and three mowers in the agency’s fleet that run on propane.
Conserving Electricity
During the Maintenance Garage renovation, seven sun tubes were installed thereby reducing the need for overhead lights to regularly be turned on.
- Motion sensors for lights were installed in the locker room, restrooms, the break room, and office area at the Maintenance Garage.
- LED lights were installed at the Hoffman Park Dog Park. In addition, exterior lights throughout the Park District will be changed over to LED lights as they are needed.
- The restroom at the Hoffman Park Dog Park is powered by the wind spire installed there.
- The windmill at Hoffman Park pumps water to the Community Garden cistern from the Hoffman Park pond.
- Recycling is provided in all facilities and high use park sites.
- The agency also recycles all scrap metal, fluorescent lighting, oil and engine coolant, vehicle batteries, tires, and computers.
Naturalized Plantings & Natural Areas
- Naturalized plantings that require less water and maintenance are planted at park sites and outside of facilities when possible.
- Natural areas provide a natural habitat for wild life and reduce carbon from the air.
Fertilizer and Pesticides
- Pesticides are only used as necessary
- Low nitrogen and phosphate-free organic fertilizer is used district wide. Organic fertilizer is used when possible.